søkeresultat EmneordVelgarkitekturbroerbryggerbutikkerbåterfiskefiskerihavnerfyrfyrlyktergårdsbrukhavnerhavneutbedringerhavneutbyggingerhellerehulerjernstangjernstengerjernsøylerkanalerkompassroserkrekserkystkulturlanternerloshytterlosoldermannlosvirksomhetlyktehusmoloernaturhavnnavigasjonnavigasjonsinnstallasjoneroverett merkersjøbuersjømerkerskjærgårdstakerstangtematemafilmeruthavnervarderTemafilmerFyrSjømerkerKulturminner Cairn Overå200 years of Fresnel lighthouse lenses (Film)The Volunteers (Sted)From Norway: "The Friends of MS Gamle Oksøy" (Film)From Finland: "My journey to the lighthouse" (Film)Major light LeiskjeretCairn OveråCairn OveråCairn OveråCairn OveråMooring point VelsvikMooring point VelsvikRemains of a mooring point VelsvikRemains of a mooring point VelsvikRemains of a mooring point Velsvik Andenes breakwater and lighthouse Andenes lighthouse Andenes lighthouse Andenes lighthouseCairns and other aids to navigation (Film)Baren (Sted)Daymark Runde lighthouseDaymark Runde lighthouseDaymark Runde lighthouseDaymark Runde lighthouseMooring points ByholmaneCairn KyrkjefludaThe King and Queen of Norway passing the cairnCairn KyrkjefludaCairn KyrkjefludaMooring point BorgarøyaMooring point BorgarøyaMooring point BorgarøyaMooring point BorgarøyaMooring point Lisje GrisholmenMooring point Lisje GrisholmenMooring point Lisje GrisholmenMooring point Lisje GrisholmenCala Figuera Lighthouse (Sted)n'Ensiola lighthouse (Sted)Bispen (The Bishop), iron pole (Sted)Lantern on the Lillehavn breakwaterGjeslingane, iron pole (Sted)Finland - Land of treacherous rocks and historic beacons (Sted)Finland - Land of treacherous rocks and historic beacons (Film)Skagerrak, Kattegat and Øresund (Sted)The history of the Lofoten fisheries (Sted)Tramuntana and Llebeig lighthouses (Sted)La Creu Lighthouse (Sted)n'Ensiola lighthouse (Sted)Cala Figuera Lighthouse (Sted)Favàritx lighthouse (Sted)Isla del Aire lighthouse (Sted)Tramuntana and Llebeig lighthouses (Sted)Botafoc lighthouse (Sted)Portocolom Lighthouse (Sted)Portopi lighthouse and museum (Sted)Portopi lighthouse and museum (Sted)Botafoc lighthouse (Sted)Isla del Aire lighthouse (Sted)Favàritx lighthouse (Sted)Llebeig lighthouse (Sted)Tramuntana lighthouse (Sted)Portocolom Lighthouse (Sted)La Creu Lighthouse (Sted)How the lighthouses are lit (Film)Visit the Portopi lighthouse museum (Film)Portopi lighthouse and museum (Sted)The Norwegian Coastal Administration (Film)A night at the Saint Mathieu lighthouse (Film)A voyage to the island of lighthouses (Film)Creac’h lens panelsCreac’h (Sted)Creac’h (Sted)Creac’h at nightA voyage to the island of lighthouses (Film)Aids to navigation and ports (Film)Korshavn (Film)Jåsund (Film)Bispen (The Bishop) (Film)Thematic films from the Southern tip of Norway