Cairn Overå

Foto: Frode Pilskog
Round cairn on Ovrafludane. Black cairn with white belt. On the top is an iron pole with a pointer. The cairn is first mentioned in 1890
Publisert av: Stiftinga Sunnmøre MuseumSist endret: 2023-03-06
Cairn Overå

Foto: Frode Pilskog
Round cairn on Ovrafludane. On the top is an iron pole with a pointer
Cairn Overå

Foto: Frode Pilskog
Round cairn on Ovrafludane. On the top is an iron pole with a pointer
Cairn Overå

Foto: Frode Pilskog
Round cairn on Ovrafludane. On the top is an iron pole with a pointer