Major light Yksnøy
Major light with an oil shed erected in 1903. Produced at Frognerkilens fabrik in todays Oslo. The first keeper was Ole Høidal, a well known lighthouse builder. From 1907 the Knud Yksnøy and his family was keepers of the light during three generations. Kjell Yksnøy was the last keeper before the light got electrified and automated
Sist endret: 2021-02-16
Major light Yksnøy
Major light with an oil shed erected in 1903. Produced at Frognerkilens fabrik in todays Oslo. The first keeper was Ole Høydal, a former lighthouse builder. The Yksnøy family was keepers of the light during three generations. Kjell Yksnøy was the last keeper before the light got electrified and automated