Jomfruland lighthouse
The light was first lit in 1839. The station had a brick tower and wooden house for the keeper and his family, plus outhouse and an earthen cellar. It took 250 000 bricks to build the tower. An American “fog-trumpet” was installed in 1874, and when the new cast iron tower was erected in 1939, a new diaphone fog-horn was also installed.
At the most, three families had their home at the station. In 1971 the fog-signal was automated, and in 1991 the station was de-manned. The station is owned by the state and protected as a national monument under the Cultural Heritage Act. A cooperation with the local municipality makes it possible to welcome visitors in the summertime. Jomfruland is a coastal light that shall give the mariners a safe landfall in the waters between Kragerø and the Langesund Fjord. Jomfruland lighthouse and the beacon at Djupodden form leading lights to show the safe passage from Stanggapet outside Kragerø towards the more sheltered waters inside Jomfruland.