World class historical outports
Along the south coast of Norway, many natural harbours can be found. During The Golden Age of Sails, these harbours became important safe havens for sailors traveling between the North and the Baltic Seas. Here they could find shelter and anchorage from storms and changeable weather. The locals took advantage of theses situations and provided supplies and repairs to these moored vessels. During the eighteenth and nineteeenth centuries population flourished in these coastal areas, with common occupations drawing their income from imaritime traffic. Towards the end of the 1800s, however, the situation changed. With the advent of the Steamship, the need for natural harbourage become obsolete. Today these historical harbours are small and well-kept communities with older wooden buildings built in this affluent period. They are considered to be an important part of our cultural heritage. To ensure a comprehensive and sustainable development of these historical harbours the counties of Aust Agder and Vest-Agder have adopted a common strategy and project. The two counties also participate in an Interreg-project called HERICOAST. Through cooperation and exchange of experience with other regions in Europe, the counties of Agder will learn about management of cultural heritage in coastal and fluvial zones.
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