Tranøy lighthouse
Tranøy lighthouse was established in 1864. It was a small wooden building with the lantern on the roof. Tranøy lighthouse had a fixed light and a 4th order lens. The lighthouse was established here to show the main channel to the north of Norway. The iron exports from Narvik harbour started in 1903 and it passes nearbyTranøy lighthouse. Therefore the lighthouse was equipped with a stronger light in 1910. The major development occured in 1936 when the iron tower from Moholmen lighthouse was moved and erected here in Tranøy. At the same time a powerful fog signal was installed, and several new houses were built at the station. The lighthouse got electrified in 1959, and the bridge to the lighthouse was built in 1969. In 1991 the lighthouse was automated. It is owned by the NCA. It is possible to visit the lighthouse most of the year and it is easy access to it from the mainland.
Sist endret: 2018-11-20