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The Jæren Coast in the Arts

Foto: Kitty Kielland: Slåttonn på Kvalbein, Jæren, 1884. Eies av Stavanger kunstmuseum. Foto: Blomqvist kunsthandel.
As late as the mid-1800s, artists did not consider Jæren much to look at. For a long time, this was how writers described it, and painters did not deem the place worth visiting. Change came gradually as painters began making their way to the region in the late 1870s. Eventually, paintings of Jæren developed into a whole genre and were accepted by galleries in the capital. To borrow the writer Arne Garborg’s phrase, Jæren had become poetry. Writers praised it in lyrical passages about the landscape. Jæren was no longer terre incognita, but a vital part of the new nation.

The Jæren Coast in the Arts
