The boathouses of Frafjord is a reminiscent of old days. The local chuch boat was lying here, and the boats and equipment of the seine gang from the valley. Travellers came here and left, people from Sirdal an even further away. A huge landslide fell into the fjord summer 1931. 15-20 meter high waves chruhed against the beach and ruined boathouses and boats. 24 of the boathouses were rebuilt. Today, these buildings are a beautiful landmark in the fjord. The old boathouses were situated in the middle of the beach on the south side of the confluence. The pier for the liner boats was built further ahead under the mountains on the same side where the water was deeper. The old pier was destroyed in the landslide in 1931. A new pier was built, and this was in use until the road between Frafjord and Gilja was opened in 1964.
Sist endret: 2018-11-19